My “GOOD WISHES”to all members of IDA Kerala State. At the onset let me thank all members of IDA Kerala State for giving me the opportunity to correlate with you at a more personal level as Hon. Secretary of this prestigious organisation.Naturally, I’m acutely aware of the profound responsibility and trust this position carries along with it.
On behalf of IDA Kerala State i request each one of you to make a concerted effort whereby more dentists can be brought under the IDA Kerala State umbrella and thus strengthen our hands to meet the challenges that would come up in our profession. Besides this also increases the fraternity feeling among ourselves with mutual trust and brotherhood.
The onus of the state office will be on effective comunications with the Local Branches and its members. As we grow in strength and number we have to adapt more to embrace ourselves with the technology around us while at the same time realise that this does not create a disconnect with the members at large.The role of the internet and an efficient web site is paramount to this goal.
Our doors are open to all members at all times and we will always be available to hear your grievances and find a suitable and amicable solution to your problems within the ambit of reasonable limits
I hope that the office would be able to carry along all members in unity and friendship and also expect that all members will extend their undivided support to implement the ideals that our predecessors have tirelessly struggled to implement over the years.